The electronics industry is advancing on a daily basis. Even as customer requirements for semiconductors and electronic devices grow ever more sophisticated, the demand for shorter development turnaround is becoming increasingly urgent. To respond to these needs, Ryoden’s electronics business offers comprehensive solutions, providing not only semiconductors and devices tailored to customer needs but also technical expertise and consulting.
Electronics Business
The drive for total solutions
Market needs change at bewildering speed. Technology advances day by day. To succeed in such an environment, electronics technology trading companies must have the power to combine state-of-the-art IT with advanced logistics, development and design. As a company on the front lines of sales representing the world’s foremost producers of semiconductors and electronic devices, Ryoden has the sales framework and technology to forecast customers’ set development trends as well as technological trends. Our goal is to serve customers consistently as their best one-stop partner for consulting and solutions.
Supporting quality and efficiency in on-board ECUs
In the automotive industry, technologies associated with the “Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Services, Electric” (CASE) field are advancing at a blistering pace. As a result, the control of vehicle-embedded systems and software, a task performed by the on-board electronic control units (ECUs), is growing in both complexity and scale. Moreover, the number of ECUs incorporated in each vehicle is increasing dramatically. Amid these developments, automakers are struggling to maintain quality while restraining the growth in development worker-hours. Ryoden takes two approaches to solve these problems. The first is the adoption of the Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) as a standardized software framework. The second is the deployment of virtual environments to streamline evaluation processes.